Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Carving

This is our set up outside. Buddy and Burton did the skeleton and Madilyn and I did the scary clown.

Getting it set up and Maddi and I carving.

We have continued the tradition and carved pumpkins tonight. It was a blast. Burton had lots of fun and Maddi liked how it flet to squish the guts in between her fingers.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Maddi has finally conquered the sitting up... and tomorrow she will be 9 months old. Where does the time go. Maddi is also scooting around and who knows when she'll totally become mobile. We still are toothless which is fine because we are still nursing partially lol. We had a Dr. visit last week she's been having a nasty cough and I couldn't fight it anymore so we went in and she has a sinus infection, and now is on antibiotics. Other than that Maddi is all well and a happy little girl. Burton is getting excited for his upcoming birthday and since I asked him what he wants and what kind of cake he wants all I hear is I want this and I want that at my party mom. Right now we are having 3 different cakes and all the toys on the commercials from Nick, Disney and Cartoon Network. GO figure. He is getting so smart and catching on to all the little things we say. I think my favorite thing he copies is "shhhh you're driving me nuts!" Is that bad I tell my children that... its all out of love at least right :) This pic of Burton is at my birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse and he is wearing the birthday hat. Silly kid. I am very blessed to have the kids I do I sure love them.

My house sure has been busy the last 2 months. We have been moving and going to school and working and just finished midterms so we have barely had the time to breathe. I am hoping things start to slow down a little so we can catch up and maybe my kids won't grow as fast if time slows.... good luck right? Well we love you all and hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quick pics

Burton and his "super hero jammies" It has a cape and yes he runs all over the back yard with the cape on :)
Maddi and her toys... she is actually playing with them and not just eating her feet
Burton and Maddi, they love each other they smile and laugh at eachother all day long
And then just an updated pic of me my hair is getting really long, trying not to cut it, but it is getting harder every day

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer and Madilyn is seven months!

Well its been ages, but I am writing a quick post. We are all doing wonderful. Getting ready to move out of my mom's. I have officially packed my first box. I am working for a criminal defense law firm in downtown Idaho Falls. It is a great office. Very nice people. Burton is running around, we are going through the super hero stage. Grandma Lisa bought him some jammies with a cape so trying to stay up on the laundry of that pair of jammies has been a task. I am going to have to invest in another pair or two for him. That and he finds towels all over and will bring the towel and a hairband to you and say "SUPERHERO". He is so cute and full of energy. Madilyn is rolling around everywhere and eating solids now. She is growing so fast. She is seven months today. I can 't even believe that I am saying that. The second child grows so much faster than your first. :( Buddy and I start school the 24th of August. So just short of 2 weeks! I am so excited to go back to school and get back with my school friends :) I really enjoy the program I am in. I am taking 5 classes this semester a big jump from my 2 last semester but also not as many as last fall as I was taking 7. Buddy is taking his prereq's for the Surgical Technician program. He is really excited and nervous all at the same time. It has been 6 years since he has been in school. Other than that this summer has been full of swimming, fishing, walks, bbqing, playing at the park, fireworks, blowing bubbles, going to weddings, bowling, baking cookies (with Burton and mom) and one trip of camping (which Burton enjoyed except for the sleeping in a tent. He kept screaming I want my bed!). All is well in our world, hoping everything is well in yours! Sending our love

Monday, April 6, 2009

My sister and her family came up to Idaho Falls last weekend for her birthday and while they were here Melissa and I took our boys to the playland in the mall where they had a blast! We would have gone to the park but hmm spring break and it was SNOWING go figure right? So here are the kids playing like maniacs!

When we returned home we washed our hands very well as you would if you were to look at all the yucky kids with diseases who play there! I wonder if they ever sanitize these toys??? HMMM... wonder.....

Scrunch face pictures

Burton has been on this thing of he loves getting his picture taken if you will show him after you have taken every picture. Well with all the picture taking he has changed his smile to this scrunch face thing so I finally after much time got a picture with out it!! Here it is

Real Beauty Tag

Real Beauty Tag:
1. Watch this shocking little masterpiece to get some inspiration
2. Sift through all those pictures of yourself that you "look terrible in"
3. Pick atleast 3 current-ish pictures of yourself that you actually DO like
4. Post them on your blog to share!
5. Answer my Real Beauty Questions about yourself
6. Tag whoever you want!

This picture is just me and Maddi, she is my high maintenance princess. I love her!


This one is me and my little man Burton.... I am 9 months preggo in this but it is a perfect me and Burton picture. We are buds!
And I know this one is almost 3 years old but I love this picture for two reasons to me it is just a fairy tale picture, but also because I LOVE it when Buddy kisses me and this just reminds me and gives me butterflies in my tummy

Real Beauty Questions:
1. What is your favorite physical feature about yourself?
My eyes, they are unique and change color with my moods.

2. What is your favorite personality trait of yourself?
I am easy to talk to, I am very down to earth and non judgmental.

3. Where is the most "daring" place you have gone without make up on?
I go a lot of places with out make up... lazy I guess :)

4. What is your biggest accomplishment thus far?
Learning and seeing the good in some past bad judgments... and being a mom that's my fav accomplishment

5. When do you feel the most beautiful?
When I go out in the evening, or right before bed. Just in my element... hardly ever feel beautiful in the morning I'd rather be sleeping and I make it evident lol

I tag-- Jill, Brandi, Melissa, Jessica, Whitney, Julie, Krissandra, Kelly and anyone else who comes across my blog

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Brotherly Love

Here is our new addition to our family. As you can see Burton loves being the big brother and loves to give baby kisses. He will even run up to me and tell me when she is crying and then want to give her her binky. He has just blown me out of the water with how good they are together. Burton truly loves Maddi Kay!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Photo Shoot

Yesterday Maddi Burton and I ventured over to my friend Brandi's home where she so kindly took some beautiful baby pictures of our newest addition. Here are two of the pictures she took. Thank you Brandi, we love them!

Madilyn Kaydance Shaw

January 11, 2009 at approximately 2 in the morning I woke up to a sharp contraction and a feeling of did I just pee my freaking pants? So I decided to to sit up and see if I started to get contractions and time them before I woke up Buddy, mostly because he is a constant worrier and was finally asleep which is a big deal for someone that normally can't fall asleep so I let him sleep. Well after sitting up stairs on the couch having contractions less than 5 min apart I decided to go lay back down on my bed, only a few min later deciding that yes I was in labor and I should probably wake my husband up.... So I tap on him and say I'm in labor we need to leave now. Buddy -"Are you having contractions?" Me" Yes, less than 5 min apart and they hurt really really bad. I told you I was going to have her this weekend since my mom went to my little nephew Gabe's party down in Layton. HAHA" Anyway we took Burton over to Buddy's mom's house and went to the hospital arriving around 3. The nice little nurse checked me and was like oh shoot you are at a 6 and she is right there. Let me call the Dr. Do you want an epidural? Me"YES!" Nurse" Ok well we'll try to get him here in time but since its the middle of the nigth I'm not promising he'll make it. " The nice nurse then checks me again and I was at an 8 or 9 (don't remember mostly because I was having contractions every stinkin minute) so she calls Leavitt again and tells him to come straight in that there isnt going to be any waiting time. The next thing I know the anesthesologist is there Leavitt is there and a few pokes later it was time to push. At 3:46 Madilyn was born 7lbs, 20 1/2 inches long and beautiful as can be.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 37

Doctor doctor give me the news I've got a bad case of .... being pregnant. So went to see the doctor today who says hey you are 2cm dialated 75% effaced and ope there is her head. Then continues to talk to me, I go I am ready to have this baby when can you induce me? PA says 39 weeks oh wait Dr. Leavitt will be out of town the week you're due... how natural do you want to do this? I go I am ready to have this baby. She smiles says hold on just a minute let me go talk to Leavitt. Blah blah blah 15 min later, she comes back in and is like well Leavitt will see you next Tuesday afternoon and strip you membranes to see if that starts anything... so until then I will be doing some walking some playing of the wii and maybe lifting some boxes somewhere. Two reasons, I am ready to have this baby and secondly I would perfer if my dr were the one that was actually there for delivery. I will be quite upset with Miss Madilyn if she decides to come while the dr is out of town and the heck she isnt waiting until he gets back. NOT HAPPENING. So if you have any suggestions on how to get a baby out of you please let me know :)

On a lighter note Burton is still adorable and I love him bunches, and I love Maddi too I could just be a little upset with this whole situation of not doing what her mother says, lol, also I start school Monday yeah! Maddi that means be born tomorrow.