Saturday, October 10, 2009

Maddi has finally conquered the sitting up... and tomorrow she will be 9 months old. Where does the time go. Maddi is also scooting around and who knows when she'll totally become mobile. We still are toothless which is fine because we are still nursing partially lol. We had a Dr. visit last week she's been having a nasty cough and I couldn't fight it anymore so we went in and she has a sinus infection, and now is on antibiotics. Other than that Maddi is all well and a happy little girl. Burton is getting excited for his upcoming birthday and since I asked him what he wants and what kind of cake he wants all I hear is I want this and I want that at my party mom. Right now we are having 3 different cakes and all the toys on the commercials from Nick, Disney and Cartoon Network. GO figure. He is getting so smart and catching on to all the little things we say. I think my favorite thing he copies is "shhhh you're driving me nuts!" Is that bad I tell my children that... its all out of love at least right :) This pic of Burton is at my birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse and he is wearing the birthday hat. Silly kid. I am very blessed to have the kids I do I sure love them.

My house sure has been busy the last 2 months. We have been moving and going to school and working and just finished midterms so we have barely had the time to breathe. I am hoping things start to slow down a little so we can catch up and maybe my kids won't grow as fast if time slows.... good luck right? Well we love you all and hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

1 comment:

JHarris said...

Maddi is sooo cute and getting so big! Hope school is going well for you both!