Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 37

Doctor doctor give me the news I've got a bad case of .... being pregnant. So went to see the doctor today who says hey you are 2cm dialated 75% effaced and ope there is her head. Then continues to talk to me, I go I am ready to have this baby when can you induce me? PA says 39 weeks oh wait Dr. Leavitt will be out of town the week you're due... how natural do you want to do this? I go I am ready to have this baby. She smiles says hold on just a minute let me go talk to Leavitt. Blah blah blah 15 min later, she comes back in and is like well Leavitt will see you next Tuesday afternoon and strip you membranes to see if that starts anything... so until then I will be doing some walking some playing of the wii and maybe lifting some boxes somewhere. Two reasons, I am ready to have this baby and secondly I would perfer if my dr were the one that was actually there for delivery. I will be quite upset with Miss Madilyn if she decides to come while the dr is out of town and the heck she isnt waiting until he gets back. NOT HAPPENING. So if you have any suggestions on how to get a baby out of you please let me know :)

On a lighter note Burton is still adorable and I love him bunches, and I love Maddi too I could just be a little upset with this whole situation of not doing what her mother says, lol, also I start school Monday yeah! Maddi that means be born tomorrow.


JHarris said...

Don't jump on the tramp! I thought that that would work but I met someone and she did it and it disengaged the baby's head and she went three more weeks! Katie swears by castor oil.... and well the best way to do it is to do it is what I've heard! Good Luck, keep us updated!

Christy said...

Kayleen you are too funny!!! I agree that Madilyn should not wait until Dr. Leavitt gets back that would be torcherous for you. LOL. Anyways hopefully she will decide to come out soon. Let us know when it happens!

Controlling My Chaos said...

Ooh, I remember that feeling well and I don't envy you.

Jewls said...

I've been telling you what Jessica told you Castor oil my mom used it and that is how I came out! I was too chicken to try it with Tyson but if you want some moral support I will help you! You could always go hunting and shoot a deer and then lift it up that seemed to work in the past ; )! hahaha! J/k if you want to go running or anything let me know and I will help you get my lil niece out of you! Oh ya and for Buddy's sake I will once again mention sex ;)!

The Vance's said...

Well lets hope she comes before and not when leavitt is out of town!! I am so excited for you! You have to let me know when she comes! Sorry I didn't make it to your baby shower! Easton was super cranky and Travis had to work so I couldn't leave him and I didn't want to bring a cranky baby!!

xoxo Katie said...

that is totally understandable :) I will let you know when she decides to venture out... or when I evict her from her residency of water bed life. We will have to get together soon. I wanted to stay longer the other day but I didn't want to indrude so let me know when I can come chit chat with you and hold your stinkin adorable little man.