Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Night on the wooden floor...

Matt, Melissa and Gabe were in town for Christmas so on their last night we went out to dinner and then went bowling as a whole family. It was such a blast! Josh and Toni did such a great job, Burton thought it was so cool that he was able to play... with the help of daddy and Gabe was being just a happy little guy, probably because he got to stay up past his bed time and that was pretty cool.
The game stayed pretty close in the beginning for the "adults" but in the end Mom and Matt broke away from the pack with winning scores.
Here are the excuses from the losing people on why we did so bad...
Melissa, " I bit my tongue during dinner so I was just having an off night."
Buddy, " I haven't played in three years, I used to be really good."
Kayleen, "I am 36 weeks pregnant so technically I have two bowling balls, that is definitely a handicap."
Other that our lame excuses... we had a great time and hope to go again soon so we can hopefully have some better scores! :)

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