Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Week 36

Well I am officially getting really close to having our second baby Madilyn. We went to the Dr. on Monday and everything looks great. Heartbeat is still in the 150's, she is still head down, I have dilated to almost 2cm and I have begun to feel her dropping.... aka sharp shooting pains in my legs and who... awkward but in a weird way exciting. Maddi is still very active and any movement she makes is very visible to anyone, as in my whole stomach shakes. It is so neat to get to see this, since I missed the "enjoyment" of the 3rd trimester with Burton so its kind of fun in a painful, sleepless way to get to have a normal pregnancy with Maddi. Still we can't wait to meet her soon... I wouldn't mind having her a couple weeks early, but I am sure that my sister in law Julie would appreciate it if we waited until after the 3rd (my baby shower date). :) So we will just keep cookin' only 25 days until my actual due date! WAHOO


Christy said...

Yeah for a new baby!!! I am excited to meet Maddi when I am in Idaho Falls next.....whenever that is...hopefully this summer. Regardless we are excited to have a new baby that is full term or almost full term.

Controlling My Chaos said...

Hang in there, you're so close. :)

xoxo Katie said...

Thanks Jill, I will hang in there. I am just so ready to meet this little thing! lol

Controlling My Chaos said...

Kayleen, you are too sweet, thank you for the compliment. BTW, the goodies were for all of you, not just your mom, silly. To answer your question, generally I don't get enough sleep. I'm a little OCD, so I don't always do what I should. Happy New Year to you too!

JHarris said...

It was nice to finally see you, and your belly! Your almost done, hang in there!

xoxo Katie said...

It was good to see you and Charlie! I hope your drive back to Layton was easy and uneventful. Let me know the next time you come into town we'll have to actually go out and do something. LOL LOVE YOU BUNCHES