Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its beginning to feel like Christmas

I would say its beginning to look a lot like Christmas... however it really isn't looking much like Christmas here in little Idaho Falls besides the beginnings of people putting up their lights and decorations. There is absolutely no snow! It has been very cold the last couple of weeks, super windy but we are just not getting the snow. In fact it rained a few days ago! I can hardly believe it tis the season again.
Last week mom and my sister in law Julie and I braved the crowds by shopping the "Black Friday". We had quite a blast! We were up and roaring at 4 am. Then stood in lines until 5. We had quite a good strategic plan that we carried out so that we were able to open 3 stores (Two at 5 am and one at 6 am... if we had wanted anything special from Kohl's we could have opened four stores since they opened at 4 am but we opted out...) Any way I'd say we came out with some pretty amazing deals :) WAHOO go us! I only have a few people left to shop for... one being my husband, who I have not a clue what to get him! All well something will pop out hopefully.
Let's see Burton is definitely two years old and his little attitude is totally out of control. His newest two-ism is to "SHHH" you both by saying it and using the hand gesture, then proceeds to tell you to "Stop". He also will wipe off a kiss if you snuck one in and he didn't approve. It's pretty interesting what they pick up. At least its not naughty words from his daddy. I'm just waiting for one of those to pop up. UGH that will not be fun.
To catch up I am now 32 1/2 weeks with our little Madilyn who by the way is still very active, and doesn't like anyone touching my stomach. She kicks and punches anyone who does try to feel her, I have a feeling she is going to be a fire ball. LOL
Last but not least I took my last test this morning so I am officially done with this semester aside from my "volunteer" work with the Idaho Meth Project with will not be done for a while but I don't have to go to any more classes until the 12th of January! Pretty excited to have a nice break! Well we love you all.

1 comment:

JHarris said...

I know I'm sooo excited to be done with this semester.. its been long and rough! I missed not seeing you when we were up on thanksgiving but I swear it seemed like as soon as we got up there we had to head back! We are coming up for Christmas and I AM going to see you!