Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dr. Appointment

Well I went to the doctor this morning for my 33 week check up. I will be 34 weeks this Saturday! I measured at 34 cm, and it was a really quick appointment. Pee in a cup, say hello to Dr. Leavitt, get measured, listened to Maddi's heartbeat which was 152 and then I scheduled my appointments through my due date. After Christmas I will be going every week. It is just weird to think that we are getting that close. While I was scheduling my appointments the receptionist happen to say that Dr Leavitt was going to be out of town the week of the 19th which is the week of my due date. Now in all likely hood me having my baby that week is not great any way, but you never know. So I left the doctor's office having a minor panic attack and called them back when I got home. Well comes to find out he's just going to be out of the office, not out of the area. So if it comes to that he'll still be there for the delivery of our baby. Feeling a little better now :) lol I am totally a worry wart about this delivery thing, but I feel rightfully so after my doctor with Burton was out of town and then we had all of our problems. So I am just a little relieved to hear that no Leavitt doesn't really get to go anywhere, ever, poor guy and his poor family. But hey its great for his patients and his practice :) Well I think that is about all I can yack about right now. I am going to go make banana bread with my grandma. ALSO 13 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS

1 comment:

JHarris said...

I think it's totally normal to freak out about delivery, especially since you had a big surprise with the last one! I am freaking out I keep having dreams that I am up in IF when I go into labor and we try to go back and I have the baby in the car!! I MUST see you when we come up!