Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Week 36

Well I am officially getting really close to having our second baby Madilyn. We went to the Dr. on Monday and everything looks great. Heartbeat is still in the 150's, she is still head down, I have dilated to almost 2cm and I have begun to feel her dropping.... aka sharp shooting pains in my legs and who... awkward but in a weird way exciting. Maddi is still very active and any movement she makes is very visible to anyone, as in my whole stomach shakes. It is so neat to get to see this, since I missed the "enjoyment" of the 3rd trimester with Burton so its kind of fun in a painful, sleepless way to get to have a normal pregnancy with Maddi. Still we can't wait to meet her soon... I wouldn't mind having her a couple weeks early, but I am sure that my sister in law Julie would appreciate it if we waited until after the 3rd (my baby shower date). :) So we will just keep cookin' only 25 days until my actual due date! WAHOO

Night on the wooden floor...

Matt, Melissa and Gabe were in town for Christmas so on their last night we went out to dinner and then went bowling as a whole family. It was such a blast! Josh and Toni did such a great job, Burton thought it was so cool that he was able to play... with the help of daddy and Gabe was being just a happy little guy, probably because he got to stay up past his bed time and that was pretty cool.
The game stayed pretty close in the beginning for the "adults" but in the end Mom and Matt broke away from the pack with winning scores.
Here are the excuses from the losing people on why we did so bad...
Melissa, " I bit my tongue during dinner so I was just having an off night."
Buddy, " I haven't played in three years, I used to be really good."
Kayleen, "I am 36 weeks pregnant so technically I have two bowling balls, that is definitely a handicap."
Other that our lame excuses... we had a great time and hope to go again soon so we can hopefully have some better scores! :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Disregard my we have no snow

So for the past four days it has done nothing but snow and then the wind blows and blow the snow and then it snows again. It is really cold and the roads are horrid, but it is starting to look like an Idaho Christmas which is nice. I mean seriously if you are going to have to live in Idaho and freeze the least we can ask for is snow for Christmas. Other than that I have nothing new to report besides this great email I received from a friend I worked with down in Utah and it made me giggle so I am going to just post it and not send it to every single person I know :)

Please Print out and carry with you in case you forget what to do.


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. It's rare.. You cannot find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-alcoholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple,Pumpkin, Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? LaborDay?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table , you haven't been paying attention. Re-read tips; start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner. Remember this motto to live by:

"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Have a great holiday season

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dr. Appointment

Well I went to the doctor this morning for my 33 week check up. I will be 34 weeks this Saturday! I measured at 34 cm, and it was a really quick appointment. Pee in a cup, say hello to Dr. Leavitt, get measured, listened to Maddi's heartbeat which was 152 and then I scheduled my appointments through my due date. After Christmas I will be going every week. It is just weird to think that we are getting that close. While I was scheduling my appointments the receptionist happen to say that Dr Leavitt was going to be out of town the week of the 19th which is the week of my due date. Now in all likely hood me having my baby that week is not great any way, but you never know. So I left the doctor's office having a minor panic attack and called them back when I got home. Well comes to find out he's just going to be out of the office, not out of the area. So if it comes to that he'll still be there for the delivery of our baby. Feeling a little better now :) lol I am totally a worry wart about this delivery thing, but I feel rightfully so after my doctor with Burton was out of town and then we had all of our problems. So I am just a little relieved to hear that no Leavitt doesn't really get to go anywhere, ever, poor guy and his poor family. But hey its great for his patients and his practice :) Well I think that is about all I can yack about right now. I am going to go make banana bread with my grandma. ALSO 13 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Magnificent 8

8 favorite TV shows:
1. The Price Is Right
2. Gray's Anatomy
3. Ellen
4. The Office
6. Desperate Housewives
7. The Bachelor
8. America's Next Top Model

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Watched Toy Story with Burton yet again
2. Read the newspaper
3. Went to Winco and almost trampled all the white trash people's kids
4. Craved banana creamies, but ate chocolate covered raisins instead
5. Went over to my mother in law's house for dinner
6. Played with Burton on the Fisher Price website, abc's and football counting game
7. Showered twice
8. Took a nap :)

8 Things to Look Forward To:
1. Christmas
2. Being done shopping for everyone for Christmas
3. Madilyn being born
4. Getting our own place to live
5. Nap time
6. Burton going potty in his potty( Right now he will get excited to sit on it and then chickens out and cries)
7. Getting a new camera so I can begin taking pictures again
8. Having this whole month off from school

8 Favorite Restaurants
(in no particular order)
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Red Robin
3. Blue Hashi
4. Johnny Carinos
5. Schlotzskys Deli
6. TGI Fridays
7. Jimmy John's
8. Olive Garden

8 Things on my Wish List:
1. A Camera
2. An Apartment
3.A healthy little girl
4. To find a double stroller that I like that doesn't cost an arm and a leg
5. A new computer
6. Someone who likes to do my laundry
7. Stephenie Meyer to finish and release the Edward book so I don't have to read half of it online, 200 pages is a lot to read off the computer screen
8. Lazer hair removal so I didn't have to try and shave my legs, its getting harder the bigger my tummy gets

8 people I want to tag... ( I don't know 8 people on here so hmmm)

Julie--- you'll do it just because :)
Jessica--- you'll do it if you remember
Melissa--- you tagged me
Jenny--- you also tagged me to do this :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Its beginning to feel like Christmas

I would say its beginning to look a lot like Christmas... however it really isn't looking much like Christmas here in little Idaho Falls besides the beginnings of people putting up their lights and decorations. There is absolutely no snow! It has been very cold the last couple of weeks, super windy but we are just not getting the snow. In fact it rained a few days ago! I can hardly believe it tis the season again.
Last week mom and my sister in law Julie and I braved the crowds by shopping the "Black Friday". We had quite a blast! We were up and roaring at 4 am. Then stood in lines until 5. We had quite a good strategic plan that we carried out so that we were able to open 3 stores (Two at 5 am and one at 6 am... if we had wanted anything special from Kohl's we could have opened four stores since they opened at 4 am but we opted out...) Any way I'd say we came out with some pretty amazing deals :) WAHOO go us! I only have a few people left to shop for... one being my husband, who I have not a clue what to get him! All well something will pop out hopefully.
Let's see Burton is definitely two years old and his little attitude is totally out of control. His newest two-ism is to "SHHH" you both by saying it and using the hand gesture, then proceeds to tell you to "Stop". He also will wipe off a kiss if you snuck one in and he didn't approve. It's pretty interesting what they pick up. At least its not naughty words from his daddy. I'm just waiting for one of those to pop up. UGH that will not be fun.
To catch up I am now 32 1/2 weeks with our little Madilyn who by the way is still very active, and doesn't like anyone touching my stomach. She kicks and punches anyone who does try to feel her, I have a feeling she is going to be a fire ball. LOL
Last but not least I took my last test this morning so I am officially done with this semester aside from my "volunteer" work with the Idaho Meth Project with will not be done for a while but I don't have to go to any more classes until the 12th of January! Pretty excited to have a nice break! Well we love you all.